The Teslow Project.

  • A Brief History.

    The iconic Teslow grain elevator has stood as the defining symbol of the Livingston skyline for over 100 years. In 2016, a massive windstorm ripped the roof off of the historic building and it was subsequently slated for demolition.

    A group of local citizens stepped in at the 11th hour to save the building from demolition. Over the course of one weekend, the demolition work was halted, the building was purchased and the Teslow Preservation Group (TPG) was established to raise funds for the repair and redevelopment of the structure. The amazing work of that dedicated group preserved this historic landmark for future generations.

    The building is now ready for its next life and that’s what Project49 intends to create.

  • The Plan.

    Project49 is dedicated to creating a space with the Teslow that is useful for the entire community. We have spent the better part of two years talking folks to find out what the community needs and what would be an exciting and inspiring use for this amazing structure. Here’s what we’ve got:


    Livingston is such a wonderful place to live. But, dang, it’s cold come winter. Our kids tend to climb the walls when they can’t be active- we bet yours do too. So let’s give them some fancy walls to climb. Adults can come too. We are planning a super-cool climbing gym with some of the most dedicated local climbing experts around.

    Maker Space:

    Creativity is a hallmark of the Livingston community. Lets unleash that by having a full service Maker Space. Table Saws, Welders, CNC, Frickin’ Lasers!

    Community Space:

    Want to have a meeting? Get married? Have an exhibition for your bottle cap collection? You got it. The Teslow has some of the coolest rooms in the world- we are going to gussy them up and let you book them for whatever you want to do. Within reason and the law. No planning a heist with your gang, please.

    What Else?

    We need your ideas. What else does our community need space for? Send us an email, stop us at the dog park- let us know.

  • You Can Help.

    This is the awkward part. Project49 has the experience and drive to get this done. We are dedicated to this project and excited to see it get done.

    We are going to need some help.

    In order to make this thing an affordable resource for the community we are going to need to raise some cash. No good way to sugar coat it. So, if you are able and so inclined, please hit that DONATE button and help us out. Anything helps and even 5 bucks shows us there is interest and passion in the community for this idea.

    If you are not able to help with a monetary donation, keep us in mind when you are talking to your fellow community members and help us spread the word.

    Thanks so much.